Expression of Interest: Trading in Public Places for Food Vendors

The Shire of Harvey invites Expressions of Interest from mobile food businesses interested in trading at fixed sites identified within the Shire. The Trader's Permit issued will be valid for the period of up to 24 months for Council designated Reserve areas at various foreshore locations identified by the Shire.
Objectives of the program
- Activate and revitalise public places, encourage social interaction and enhance the community sense of safety and wellbeing
- Encourage novel and creative entrepreneurial activities or start-up businesses, stimulating the local economy
- Encourage street food in areas that are suited to the purpose
- Provide a unique outdoor experience
- Ensure equity of access to public spaces.
Where are the Locations?
The following reserves have been identified as sites where food business trading can take place. These trading locations will be operated under the Trader’s Permit that allows a permit holder to ‘occupy’ a foreshore location within Australind. The following locations are applicable to this Expression of Interest:
Area | Designated location | Number of sites | Area of site | Price/ annum1 | Availability |
Australind | Eco Museum (Reserve 25203) | 1 site | 30m² | $1,545 | 1 April 2024 |
Australind | Ridley Place (Crown Reserve 25441) Position 1 | 2 sites | 30m² | $2,060 | 1 April 2024 |
Australind | Ridley Place (Crown Reserve 25441) Position 2 | 30m² | $1,545 | 1 April 2024 | |
Austriland | Christina Street (Lot 31) (Plan D027242) | 1 site | 30m² | $ 1,545.00 | 1 April 2024 |
Note 1: The Price provided in the table is applicable for the 2023-2024 financial year and may incur an adjustment in line with the new fees and charges set by Council.
Expression of Interest Process
Applications for an Expression of Interest are sought from suitably qualified and experienced mobile food businesses for trading (with a mobile structure, vehicle, truck or trailer) in public places at fixed sites at various locations identified within the Shire of Harvey.
This is a competitive process and not all applicants may be successful. Priority will be given to food vendors complying with the following requirements:
- Regional produce.
- Affordable, healthy food and drink.
- Gourmet or specialty food.
- Minimise use of single-use plastics by using alternative reusable cutlery and plates, or products made from 100% plant material that are certified as compostable to Australian Standards.
Standard Terms and Conditions
The following Standard Terms and Conditions are applicable to all ‘Trader’s Permits:
Trading time and duration
Trading times and duration in any approved location will be determined by the Shire and considered in accordance with the Application.
- Only one permit site can be awarded per trader and is not transferable.
- Council is not obliged to issue a permit for all or any of the three identified sites and need not provide any reason for any refusal to do so.
- The permit is granted for up to a 24-month term.
- All electrical appliances, cords and cables must be tested and tagged within 12 months prior to trading by a registered electrical contractor.
Public Liability Insurance
An Application must include evidence of having Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of $20 million before an Application may be considered.
Food Business Registration Certificate
Vendors must:
- be registered with the Local Government Authority (LGA) in whose jurisdiction the business is based and must provide evidence of such registration with their application.
- operate in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements including the City’s local laws, the Food Act 2008 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
The Shire’s Environmental Health Officers may inspect the food business from time to time. Vendors not meeting the minimum requirements for selling food will not be permitted to trade unless any required improvements are made to the satisfaction of the Shire.
Waste Management
Vendors are responsible for removing all rubbish within a 1 metre area surrounding the stall and ensure that the area is kept clean and tidy.